Planning and Zoning
The Planning and Zoning Department sets the framework for the City’s development through policy and development review by the Planning Commission. The department pursues community development by facilitating community planning processes, implementing federal, state, and local codes and ordinances, assuring quality commercial, residential and structure construction, helping to ensure the health, safety, and general welfare of the public and to help ensure the protection of the environment relating to zoning by providing fair, consistent, and timely enforcement of local codes and ordinances through service, education, and coordination with other agencies.
The Planning and Zoning Commission is charged with the duties of planning for the future growth of the City and creating, updating and enforcing zoning ordinances.
The Planning and Zoning Commission meets as needed in the City Council Chambers. The City Council Chamber is located at the Florence Municipal Complex, 851 FM 970, Florence, Texas 76527.
To submit items for the planning and Zoning agenda, please complete the agenda item request form and submit to the City Secretary with supporting documentation. Submissions are due by 5:00 pm 30 days prior to scheduled meeting date.
Existing Land Use Map-2011
Zoning Ordinance
What is zoning?
Zoning is the city’s tool to implement the Land Use component of the city’s Comprehensive Plan. Through the use of district classifications, zoning helps to regulate land use, promote orderly growth, and protect existing property owners by ensuring a convenient, attractive and functional community. The City Council along with the Planning and Zoning Board make decisions on land uses, compatibility and other zoning matters.
The purpose of zoning land in the City of Florence is to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the public. The regulations and districts established have been designed to:
- Lessen traffic congestion
- Provide safety from fire, panic, and other dangers
- Provide adequate light and air
- Prevent the overcrowding of land
- Avoid undue concentration of population
- Provide and facilitate adequate provisions for transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements.
The “zoning” as defined by the Williamson County Appraisal District is not the same at the city’s land use zoning. The appraisal district’s zoning corresponds to their land use valuation system and has nothing to do with Florence zoning districts or those adopted by any other incorporated city within Williamson County.
What are zoning restrictions?
Zoning restrictions—also referred to as zoning ordinances or the Zoning Code—tell
property owners what they can build on their property. For example, some neighborhoods
might be zoned for single-family residences, while others might allow for multi-family units
or commercial space. Zoning restrictions also tell property owners how they can use their property.
For example, a single-family home might not be permitted to operate a business,
but a commercial district might allow small businesses such as grocery stores or restaurants.
On any given piece of property, a use may be permitted by law, permitted only under
specific conditions, or not permitted at all. There may be additional restrictions outlined in the
property’s mortgage or deed. Be sure to research the deed or mortgage for old restrictions that
may limit your use of the property.
The City of Florence’s mission is to ensure commercial building and residential homes constructed, altered, or maintained within the City of Florence’s jurisdiction meet recognized standard for quality of life and building safety. In order to facilitate this responsibility we provide a full range of plan review and construction inspection services to support enforcement of the International Codes.
The City of Florence adopted the 2006 editions of the International Building / International Residential Codes (IBC/IRC) and the 2006 edition of the National Electric Code (NEC) effective August 2009.
Zoning Regulations
Yes. Zoning Regulations are in place.
Check with the Building Inspector or check the City Ordinances, the zoning map or zoning regulations that may affect or restrict your project.