
Library Volunteers

Florence Public Library is always  looking for additional volunteers to help keep the library open for more hours. If you can volunteer once a week or several times a month for a few hours, please stop by and fill out a volunteer application and background check authorization.

Volunteers help at the circulation desk, with programs (children and adults), and with special events.

Thank you, volunteers, for your devotion and help through the years past. We wouldn’t be open without you!

Thinking About Donating Books?

All of us here at the Florence Public Library are grateful for the community’s contributions to our collection. When donating books, please observe the following guidelines:

  • Call ahead! Let us know when you would like to bring in your books. Please don’t abandon your books outside or in the book drop.
  • Keep it clean! Moldy, wet, or bug-infested books should be thrown away. These books are contagious and bringing them into the library only puts the rest of the collection at risk.
  • The Florence Public Library cannot accept:
    • badly worn books
    • medical or legal books
    • instruction manuals
    • computer books
    • encyclopedias or pamphlets
    • textbooks
    • VHS and audio cassettes

The library has limited shelf space, so very few donations make it into the collection. But don’t worry. Most books find new life and new owners in Sis’s Reading Room, the ongoing book sale run by the Friends of the Library!