Resolutions- 2017
March 7, 2017- Resolution to develop and adopt a Hazard Mitigation Plan.
March 7, 2017- Resolution No 03072017-01 to re-adopt a City Investment Policy.
April 4, 2017- Joint Resolution of the Inter-Jurisdictional Emergency Management Program.
May 9, 2017- “Opposing the Enactment of SB 1515 and SB 1004, and any measure which restricts the ability of municipalities to regulate the placement of items in a right-of-way or public property.
May 16, 2017- Canvassing May 6, 2017, General Election
November 7, 2017- Resolution Opposing the application for an Air Quality Standards permit for permanent rock and concrete crushers plant construction proposed to be located at 10975 West FM 487 Florence, Texas 76527.
September 12, 2017- Resolution No. 09122017-01 adopting the 2017 tax rate.