Resolutions- 2016
February 17, 2016- Resolution designating the Mayor as a signatory for the USDA ECWAG grant in the amount of $196.000.00 for Well Improvements.
May 17, 2016- Resolution #05172016-01 canvassing the May 7, 2016, Special Election, declaring the results to be official.
August 2, 2016-Resolution authorizing the submission of a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Application to TDA for the Community Enhancement Fund.
September 6, 2016- Resolution No. 09062016-05 levying a tax rate for the tax year 2016.
September 6, 2016-Resolution to submit an Outdoor Recreation Grant application and if awarded, accept a grant from the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife for a project in the Florence City Park.
September 6, 2016- Resolution to prevent mining and drilling on City property being utilized for a Texas Parks and Wildlife development project.
October 5, 2016- Resolution authorizing use of National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA).
December 6, 2016- Resolution No. 120616-01 regarding Civil Rights.
December 6, 2016- Resolution authorizing the submission of a new TxCDBG grant application.
December 6, 2016- Resolution authorizing Signatories.